Clone a Jira issue to another project based on a custom field
July 22, 2022

Clone a Jira issue to another project based on a custom field

Karina Silva
Karina Silva

If your company uses Jira for different teams and they need to make existing information available for other people within Jira, then you know that cloning and moving tickets is the most time efficient solution. And while that’s possible today with Jira out-of-the-box clone and move options (which we detailed for you in our ultimate guide to clone and move Jira issues), having a specialized app for this can boost your team’s performance and collaboration.

Many companies know this, and the most common use case they hire Elements Copy & Sync for is the issue escalation, where the issues from their support portal are escalated to the software team. We’ll use this example to show you the possibilities you have when using our app, even if this is just one example among several different use cases where Elements Copy & Sync can help your teams save time and reduce risks of errors.

Issue escalation with Jira native options

Let’s imagine that you work for a tech company in the sustainability sector, Tellurian, that sells depolluting robots. When clients have a problem with your robots, they raise a ticket on your customer portal. Then, the support team will clone the Jira issue from your JSM to your Jira Software, so the developer team can work on fixing it.

As we mentioned before, this is possible with your native Jira, and if you only need to clone and move issues a couple of times a month, then this might certainly be your best option. Keep in mind that there are still few cons to be considered:

  • You have to clone manually
  • Once you click on “Move”, you need to remember the issue details needed to select the target project, since they are not shown in the screen where you select the target project.
  • If you have several projects to choose from, scrolling and finding the right project can be daunting.

Now, let's imagine that your team at Tellurian does this cloning process a couple of times per week and that there are several target projects to choose from:

Then certainly the “clone and move issue automation” idea has crossed your mind (and maybe even your google search history). Elements Copy & Sync does exactly that, it allows you to automate the process of cloning Jira issues to another project, while reducing considerably the risk of errors when choosing the target project.

Clone an issue to another project based on a custom field during a workflow transition

As you can see in the image below, when using Elements Copy & Sync, you can choose a Project Picker custom field as the target project on the recipe.

With Elements Copy & Sync, it is also possible to automate the cloning of an issue during a workflow transition by adding the recipe to a post-function. Adding a Project Picker custom field to the transition screen, makes the recipe dynamic, so you can dynamically choose your target project, like in the example below:

Therefore, with only one app, you have 2 different possibilities to streamline your Jira escalate issue process: you can choose to do it manually or with a workflow transition. Either way, you can be sure to reduce human errors and save time during your escalation process, collaborating better between teams (breaking silos) and aligning the communication all the way from the client to the developers’ team.

Endless possibilities when cloning an issue to another project with Elements Copy & Sync

Issue escalation is only the most frequent use case, but in reality, Elements Copy & Sync can be extremely helpful in many other scenarios like:

  • Creating a change request from a support request
  • Re-opening bug issue if customer re-opens support request
  • Creating a Problem from an Incident issue
  • Creating a related issue, ex: update documentation
  • Mirroring an issue from one project to another to simplify permission management
  • Copying issues with Insight assets
  • Creating an Epic from an Initiative…

Elements Copy & Sync key features:

  • Copy and synchronize fields, comments, attachments and statuse
  • See linked parent/child issues in glance view
  • Customizable recipes depending on needs
  • Display related issues on customer portal
  • Control which users can trigger recipes

Wait no more and help your teams break the silos, avoid errors and streamline their processes by installing Elements Copy & Sync now !